Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Extreme Lovesong # 4

I'd like to be really beautiful
only because then
your teeth would probably shine
5 or 6 shades whiter
whenever I came around

If I were superrich
I'd give you anything you wanted
including the famous elephant
whose inseparable best friend
is either a large blowfish
or looks exactly like one.

I am trying to get my plumber
to join all your pipes to mine.
He says," It's not code
but what you gonna do
when love comes to town?".

I don't feel much
like making a another sob song
but the holes in my face
want to bleed,
want to keep bleeding for you.

Why don't I pour out my heart then?
It would go Bang!
as soon as it touched your hands.

Why don't I go away then?
Every inch of my skin
would never stop crawling back.

How did I ever get into this awful fix?
I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.
The doctor says its the worst case
he's ever seen but not to worry:
It is not the dry heaves anymore--
he's found around my lips--at last!--
a ring of light green foam.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


She painted her toenails, she said,
to trick the bed monster
into thinking they'd already
been bitten off.
He bit them off anyway.
Every time.

Her mom didn't wonder:
I told you the smoke
in his pockets smelled
like it had come
from his mouth.
I told you bristles
can be rendered soft
with chemicals
and bleached wonderfully blond.
And yet you made earrings
of the padlocks I gave you
for your purse.
And the derringer I gave you
for when all else failed--
you loaded it with gum drops,
goddammit, and juju beans,
and he never dropped dead from it
like he needed to
but got crazier with every shot.

She loved him anyway--
and yet she got so
she booby trapped his wallet
on Friday nights.
She did it for love, she said,
and to rid the world
of at least one whore
and one half-dressed
huge bug with markings
on his back that looked like:
lady's man.

She was a woman's woman
but finally,
when things got really bad,
she started eating dog biscuits
to darken her voice
for her audition:
She wanted the lead
in any opera
where the diva got stomped on
got raped from the wrong end
got kicked over a cliff
and only by catching
a bush growing out of the rocks
and hanging there
with agonized fingers for hours
that seemed like years
got saved at last
and wound up in a clean bed
with bandaged feet
and a fair little man
who only scared her
when he smiled.

Tom Allen________________

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Poet Reviews Famous Photos

Yes, most of the time
I am...being pretty.
I mean, I want
to say something too,
but not if it means...
well, suppose I'm standing there
on a sidewalk grate someplace,
beautiful rich outfit,
nice pair of white heels,
the whole act,
and suddenly my skirt gets blown up
over my pants
and it looks like a parachute
and looks like I'm falling
maybe like from a roof
like I've just jumped
because my boyfriend
threw me over...
I like this sort of thing...
hell, I love it,
I'd do it every day for a year--
but not if my pants,
which I always want to be showing,
should have piss stains
on them or something worse...
I'd rather do birthday cards
than that...

But once in a while
something happens to me,
I don't know, somebody dies
or I nearly drive off a cliff,
and I start talking
and I don't care about shit
like dirty pants..
I don't care if I'm got up
in a halter and shorts
and look like I'm tumbling
barefoot and headfirst
off a tenement fire escape
that has just collapsed under me
and is falling beside me
in big rusty pieces
while just above me
also falling,
irredeemably hopelessly lost and falling,
is a little six year old girl,
maybe my sister
maybe my daughter
with her dirty shirt blown up
over her skinny ribs
and her arms held out
like useless wings.

(The photos referred to are 1) --scroll to bottom photo and 2) This is saying too much?)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas Mroning Drive

Christmas Morning Drive

Nothing on the radio
except Come all ye
and silent night.
Scanned every station.
Preachers and carols
sitting all over the waves.
Got me edgy.
What? It's Christmas,
so everybody's got to wear
sugar pants?
Finally snagged onto Reba:
"You're a Liiiaaarrr!"
and my achy breaky heart
got eased.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry : Poetry Foundation

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.