Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Visiting Famous Photos

Been reading lots of poets
three, four years now
most of them
don't have anything to say
just want to prove
they're hot stuff
how they're hell on wheels
with women
how sick they are
of having so many men
or they start jacking off their feelings
making a three ring tradgedy
of a dead cat
a memory of granny
how they lost their faith
(which they never had anyway)
how they're so fucking sensitive
they can't cut the lawn
for crying over the wounded grass
how holy their guru is
or how horney (for them, of course)
how Paris ain't nothing
after what they saw in Cairo

You know:

Hey, Marilyn
just because your skirt
is blown up
over your freshly laundered pink panties
doesn't mean your're
falling among the pieces
of a collapsed fire escape
with a six year old girl above you
falling too
with her arms spread
like a crucifix
like hopeless wings

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